Welcome to my study abroad blog! I hope to be as entertaining as possible as you join me on my adventures in Europe by sharing video content, photos, and a bit of personal commentary here & there along the way. My contact information is shown if you wish to contact me. If you would like my school address, please e-mail me for it; I promise to write back!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's called "English".

Turns out, I'm not very good at using language when I have a camera in front of my face.
But, um, it, um, happens.

Update for Visitors #2 & #3:

...And Breanne getting picked on at Fitzgerald's Pub (sorry for the low quality).

See yah Sunday!
PS - A good drinking game might be to take a shot every time I say the word "footage" in the first video. I'm betting you will be hammered by the end of it.

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