Welcome to my study abroad blog! I hope to be as entertaining as possible as you join me on my adventures in Europe by sharing video content, photos, and a bit of personal commentary here & there along the way. My contact information is shown if you wish to contact me. If you would like my school address, please e-mail me for it; I promise to write back!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Filling in the Pieces

I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that the only thing more annoying than someone starting a blog is when they don't finish it.

I've been working on updating for a while now, as you can see by the desperation in my last post, but my computer has been freezing a lot over here and with the help of some friends back home (shout out to Jacob, my Apple expert) I figured out that I needed to free up some hard drive space so my computer could run efficiently (so I could make/edit videos and add pictures to this blog!). And thanks to Kyle who oh-so-conveniently bought me an external hard drive to take with me this semester, I have been able to finally clear off enough space so I can edit video and live life pleasantly again.

Nerdy jargon aside, I will be filling in the gap that is "March 2011" over the next few days. Lots of ground to cover, so stick with me.

As always, I promise to load it with pictures and video.

PS - it's not going to be in perfect order, but I will try my best!

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