Welcome to my study abroad blog! I hope to be as entertaining as possible as you join me on my adventures in Europe by sharing video content, photos, and a bit of personal commentary here & there along the way. My contact information is shown if you wish to contact me. If you would like my school address, please e-mail me for it; I promise to write back!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ben Folds

You can cross this off the life goal list:
- See Ben Folds again. In Dublin. 3rd row.

Here's some video from the show. I have pieces of more, but for the sake of everyone's sanity I won't post all of it. Also, I didn't record it on my flip video (just my regular camera) so it's a little lower quality.

We got to talk with the band after the show.
I look like a little girl on Christmas.

Diana, Toups, & I before Benjamin came out to serenade us.

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