Welcome to my study abroad blog! I hope to be as entertaining as possible as you join me on my adventures in Europe by sharing video content, photos, and a bit of personal commentary here & there along the way. My contact information is shown if you wish to contact me. If you would like my school address, please e-mail me for it; I promise to write back!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's March, Not February.

If you're an avid reader of my blog (ha, silly you), or even if you're not, you've probably noticed my lack of posting since February.


Here's my excuses:
- My old roommates McKenna & Breanne visited from Spain,
- Followed by my entire family (!) for a week!
- Followed by a trip to Edinburgh, Amsterdam, and Brussels (I just got back Monday night)
- And now I'm getting ready for Kyle & others to come over for St. Patrick's Day

So, it's all very exciting, but it means I'm barely around to do any major editing or blog updates. I'm planning on maybe doing some if I have time before bed tonight, otherwise it won't happen until next week.

If you have Facebook, you can get a sneak peak via photos because all my pictures are up! Otherwise, ... patience is a virtue?

Update to come (soon, hopefully)!

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